
Building Justice in Berks
Building Justice in Berks (BJB) is a grassroots advocacy group focused on criminal legal system reform in Berks County. Our mission is to reduce the number of people in the system, identify interventions that maximize community safety, and ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and equity across race, ethnicity, socio-economic status and gender.
We are currently engaged in a year-long project designed to gather precise data about who is in our jail, why and for how long, and document the stories of residents and their families who have lived experience with the criminal legal system. Our Walk With Us Listening Tour, conducted in partnership with TheRealDeal610, a local organization supporting returning citizens, includes interviews with 100 formerly incarcerated individuals.
Funding for the project comes from a multi-faceted grant and technical assistance from the Vera Institute of Justice, a national organization dedicated to ending the overcriminalization and mass incarceration of people of color, immigrants, and people experiencing poverty.
Your tax-deductible gift to the BJB Fund supports ongoing research on Berks County's jail population